Y-Design云尺设计| 轮转千载,邂逅云中
Y-Design云尺设计| 轮转千载,邂逅云中
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同瑞里 艺术生活馆
艺术并不超越大自然,不过会使大自然更美化—— 塞万提斯
Art does not surpass nature, but only brings it to perfection. -- Cervantes
I 邂逅 云中古城
DaTong was called “YunZhong”in ancient times and was one of China's nine ancient capitals. This capital kept a low profile due to military strategists of all dynasties contended for this place. Since it was known as the "key to the north” due its energy was infinite. And beyond the frontier fortress that is where the ancient atmosphere and exotic customs converge.
I 初衷 对话设计
以人为本,搭建 “潮流文化艺术”生活空间,以联动+生活体系为核心的“城市里坊 、新人文生活方式”的集合。
Being people-oriented created the living space of "trending culture and art". And the connections and lifestyles system as the centre formed the collection of "new cultural lifestyles".
I 延续 空间演绎
设计挖掘千年古都大同历史文脉,大同古城、云冈石窟、云中八景等文化元素。空间以“窟”的 自然弧度为基调,大面积的留白,运用大型艺术装置点缀,平面聚落式散点布置,穿插辅助空间,让动线自然灵动,一径到底。
The design explores a thousand years of historical and cultural elements of the ancient city of DaTong, Yungang Grottoes, and the Eight Scenic Spots of YunZhong. The basis of the concept for the large-scale art decorations originates from the natural arcs from YunZhong. And this concept is artistically expressed by leaving large white empty spaces. By dispersing them across the open area in curved lines enables movement to flow naturally when walking around the model area.
入口区域先抑后扬,挑空两层曲面墙体,简洁的白墙加强了空间仪式感。前厅空间运用彩色线性艺术装置打破空间的平衡,艺术装置运用云中古城的“夜塔”概念, 将夜晚灯光发散的三角形塔身,进行艺术化的演绎,用线性的工艺展现,寓意“向光而生”,自然光透过玻璃窗照进室内时,四周白色肌理感的哑光马来漆墙面,折射出艺术装置彩色的光斑,错落却有秩,视觉上如同满目水晶,打破虚实的空间界限。
At the start, the space of the entrance area is narrow. But, it then opens up to a space with two-storey simple white curved walls, enhancing the sense of spatial ceremony. The lobby space uses coloured linear art installations breaking the balance of the space.
The inspirations originate from the divergent light and the triangular shape from the "Night Tower" of YunZhong. And using modern linear craftsmanship to develop the concept further, which displays the meaning of "living to the light".
The surrounding white matt texture painted wall reflects the natural lights as it shines through the glass window. Creating colourful light spots looking like crystals that break the boundary between virtual and reality.
As you walk through the front hall to the open sand table model area, you can see the umbrella-shaped chapiter and arc-shaped beams. And they have been designed to integrate into the structural space of the building creatively. The ground, column, ceiling etc are all pure white matt Malay lacquer finishes and hanging bronze crystal art lamps. The collision between the different materials and shapes makes the space more alive and astonishing.
The common area displays the "new humanistic lifestyle" where everyone can experience. We have bought "a tree" to incorporate nature into the room. Simultaneously, integrated the functions of coffee and book bars into the area. There you can find fresh Japanese Pieris, plentiful books to read, exquisite artwork decoration, curved shaped sofas, and standing floor lamps. They altogether form a natural sense of enclosure in the room.
The gene of pure art continues through the colours of the soft furnishings, so the beige fabric leather and metallic colour as the main colours. Complemented with fashionable purple, luxurious orange, mysterious blue, and dynamic green that enhance space agility and sense of depth.
The VIP room has a concept of a quiet living room. The curved design elements continue in that space, where there are curved glass sliding doors, domed ceilings and flat curved furniture. Simultaneously, playing elegant music from the vinyl record player, giving people a quality experience from sight to hearing.
The bathroom has a circular layout to facilitate the use of functions. The ceiling design follows the "cave" dome concept, and the bronze metal hanging mirror naturally connects with the ceiling dome. Simultaneously, it echoes with the round bathroom sink. Designing the washbasin base with mirrored metal that partially hides the shape in the space. Looking like it is visually suspended on the ground, enhancing the mystery and variability of the space.
The immersive art experience hall is no longer the traditional sequential arrangement. Instead, it is a triggered space that can be visited, seen, read, and feel. And this satisfied the brand's "knowledge city" innovative experience of customer signing, coffee, conference room. And a comprehensive and innovative art life museum with multiple functions such as daily visits and check-ins in the business district.
23-28 years old ,Trendy youth, interesting and fashionable personality, strong natural perception of color, love green, maverick trend and interested in new things.
Mantra: my world is up to me.This is not only a living space, but also contains the wonderful life. The world is in it.
Under the warm white tone of a large area, the whole space is designed with a touch of green, bold publicity, purple acrylic products, furniture, interesting personality, mirror glass jewelry and fashion trend.The books on the wall are quiet and a pure land for the soul.
In my spare time, I have a drink with three or five friends. The happiness of the world is right now.
三口之家,男主人热爱天文,女主人擅长手工, 9岁男孩继承了爸爸的高智商,成绩优异,酷爱乐高的国度天马行空,也热爱探索浩瀚的太空。
In a family of three, the male owner loves astronomy and the female owner is good at handicrafts. The 9-year-old boy inherited his father's high IQ and excellent grades. He loves Lego's country and loves to explore the vast space.The pronoun of this family: most of my world is you.
The whole space design is centered on children. The moment you open the door, you seem to be in the space world, with arc-shaped star tops, exquisite space ornaments, Lego puzzles all over the wall, and a natural and warm atmosphere. The space is contained within an inch, and a good life is opened among the three.
自主宣言:我的世界 我的梦想
One of the outstanding post-80s designers, 35 year old founder of architectural design studio, likes to read design, pays attention to details and is active in construction design forum
And professional lectures in Colleges and universities, self-confidence and wisdom are the labels given to him by the outside world
Declaration of Independence: my world, my dream
The whole space design, a large area of clean white tone, simple business, mainly office.
We firmly believe that the future lies in the hands of young people, and success is the future of self-improvement.
I LOOK 平面布局
I 追溯 团队介绍
Project Name: TONGRUILI Art Life Museum
Location: DaTong,China
EPC一体化 (设计&工程&软装):云尺设计
Design Company: Y-Design
Main Designer: Reese Fu
Area: 1200㎡
项目造价: ¥4.2 million
Total Cost: ¥4.2 million
Design Start Date: May 1, 2021
Completion date: October 10, 2021
Main Materials: Marble, Malay Paint, Wood Finish, Wooden Floor, Brick, Art Spray Painting, FRP, Handmade Carpet, Metal, Art Glass etc
Photographer: YANMING STUDIO
About Us
Y-Design拥有近100名全球顶级的设计精英及合作团队,曾从业于国际顶级酒店室内设计机构HBA、WILSON、LTW、CCD、万达酒店设计院等。以国际一流的设计水平,创意的优先原则,前沿的设计理念,最新的技术工艺及独一无二的产品形象等提升服务专案价值。为多个国际酒店管理集团,多个国际品牌,近百家豪华酒店成功提供了室内设计及顾问服务,充分得到了Starwood(喜达屋)、Hyatt(凯悦)、Accor(雅高)、Hilton(希尔顿)、 Marriott(万豪)、InterContinental Hotels Group(洲际)、Wyndham(温德姆)、Raffles(莱佛士)、Wangda(万达)等国际酒店管理集团的高度认可。